Profile PictureBenjamin Bennett Alexander

Master Python Fundamentals - Classes and Functions

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Master Python Fundamentals - Classes and Functions

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Master Python Classes: A Complete Guide to OOP Fundamentals

***Includes a Copy of Master Python Fundamentals Book

This is a developing course that started out as a course on classes and functions. Apart from classes and functions, videos on lambda functions, Exception handling, dictionaries, conditional statements and strings have just been added. Eventually this will become a full course on Python fundamentals, and the price will change. Get it now.

My Python Classes video course is designed to help you master object-oriented programming (OOP) fundamentals the easy way. Whether you're new to OOP or looking to deepen your understanding, this course is the perfect guide to get you started with confidence.

What You’ll Learn About Classes :

  • Operator Overloading: How to define custom behavior for standard operators.
  • Instance and Class Methods: Understand the difference between instance methods, which act on specific objects, and class methods that affect the entire class.
  • Instance and Class Attributes: Dive into attributes that are unique to each object and those shared by all instances of a class.
  • The self Parameter: Learn how the self parameter allows your objects to interact with their own data.
  • Static Methods: Discover methods that belong to the class and not to any object, perfect for utility functions.
  • Method Overloading: Learn if method overloading is possible in Python.
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Explore how to extend and override functionality for flexible and dynamic classes.
  • The super() Function: Understand how this function is used in inheritance to reuse functionality from parent classes.
  • Encapsulation, Getters, and Setters: Learn to protect your data with encapsulation and manage access with getters and setters.
  • Final Project: At the end of the course, you'll apply everything you've learned to build a real-world app for a shoe-selling business. This project will help you track sales and give you practical experience in Python's OOP concepts, setting you up for success in building robust applications.

What You’ll Learn About Functions:

  • The Return Statement: Learn how the return statement works to send values back from functions and control their output effectively.
  • Closures: Understand how closures work in Python, allowing functions to remember the values of variables from their enclosing scopes.
  • Decorators: Master the power of decorators to modify or extend the behavior of functions without changing their actual code.
  • Nested Functions: Explore functions within functions, and understand why nesting is useful for maintaining clean and modular code.
  • Scope: Learn how Python handles local, global, and nonlocal scopes to control variable visibility within functions.
  • Args and Kwargs: Get comfortable using args and kwargs to create flexible functions that accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments.
  • Keyword-only Arguments: Discover how to create functions that require keyword arguments, making your code more explicit and easier to use.
  • Positional-only Arguments: Learn how to define functions that only take positional arguments for better clarity in function calls.
  • First-class Functions: Understand why Python treats functions as first-class objects, allowing you to pass them around like any other variable.
  • Type Hints: Introduce type hints into your functions for better code readability and debugging, ensuring your functions are clear and self-documented.
  • Docstrings: Learn to write clear and concise docstrings for your functions, making your code easier to understand and maintain.
  • Timer Decorator: Build a timer decorator
  • Final Project: At the end, you will apply everything you've learned about functions by building a multiple-choice quiz app project.

Why This Course?

This course is designed with clarity and simplicity in mind, offering step-by-step explanations and real-world examples to help you grasp OOP concepts quickly. Whether you're aiming to boost your programming skills or preparing for career advancement, this course will give you the tools you need to master Python the easy way.

Let’s make mastering Python fun and straightforward—enroll today and master Python fundamentals

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65 videos on functions, exception handling, classes, strings and lambda functions plus a Copy of Master Python Fundamentals

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